A Bolted Connection is an assembly consisting of parts. Our Bolted Connection library feature is where we supply an extensive parametric library of Bolted Connections such as:
- Base Plate
- Cap Plate
- Fin Plate (Shear Tab)
- End Plate (Moment)
- Rafter and Truss Ridge
- Web Stiffener
- Bracing
- Girt
- Purlin
- Fascia
Upon the insertion of a bolted connection, there are many processes happening that save an enormous amount of time, such as matching sections, updating plate size and holes, number of bolts and cutting matching sections. Bolted connections are not only just bolted
connections, they can also be simple welded connections such as web stiffeners.
The philosophy of a library is that when you choose an item from it, minimal changes are required. Changing 10% or less is faster than starting from scratch. With SOLIDWORKS parametric behavior, suppression, unsuppression and equations, we have automated a number of the Connections to automatically update.
NOTE: All items in the library have detailed drawings behind them. So when the library item is inserted, so are all of its detailed drawings ready for a quick update and then fabrication.